Title: Changing Course (Wrecked and Ruined #1)
Author: Aly Martinez
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 29, 2014
I met Sarah Kate Erickson when I was 21 years
old. I was lucky enough to keep her for seven years before a tragic accident
stole her from me. She didn’t die, but sometimes I think it would have been
easier if she had.
I lived in a
haze for those four years after the accident. Catering to her every need, even
though she hated the very sight of my face. I tried to hold on to her and the
future that we were supposed to build together. But you can’t hold on to
someone that doesn’t exist anymore.
It wasn’t until
I met Jesse Addison, a barista at the local coffee shop, that I realized I
didn’t just lose Sarah that tragic night, I lost myself as well. Jesse taught
me how to let go of the past and learn to love again. But what happens when
your past haunts your present and the woman you used to love refuses to accept
the woman you can’t live without?
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Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/changing-course-aly-martinez/1118284153?ean=2940148300366
He walks over, knocking me off balance and pulling me hard into
his chest.
I have no choice, but to let him hold me. It only takes a few
seconds for me to melt into him. No matter how much I want to fight it, being
in Brett's arms just feels right. He holds me whispering heartfelt apologies
into my hair. I'd pull away on pure principle alone, but I can tell by his
slight rocking and content breathing, he needs this. It's strictly for him
though. I don't love every single second of it. A tear definitely does not
slide down my face at how perfect this feels. I absolutely don't send up a
prayer for this to never end. That would be stupid after all the crap that we
have been through. Yet, I do it all anyway.
My Review: 4 1/2 stars
What an emotional roller coaster of a book. There is no one who is left unscathed from the actions that resulted from that one night. Everything from that point on was altered. What could have been was wiped out. Don't get me wrong, this is a love story - maybe two, but there are also some serious things that happen. It's also not the love story you would expect from the beginning of the book. And all love stories don't have happy endings. I don't think that anyone who reads this will come away looking at things the same way, especially if you have never lost someone. This book gives you a tiny fraction of what it feels like to have that loss in your life. Brett lost his wife Sarah that night. Not physically, but she's never the same. There's the before and there's the after, and nothing is the same after. Jesse is the person who changes Brett's life and helps him and his partner, Caleb move forward. She's the best thing that's happened to Brett in four years. Now he just has to realize that. Jesse is the most giving, caring, generous person, and Brett is lucky to have found her. Caleb is, like I said Brett's partner. Caleb's life changed that night four years ago as well. He's just as damaged, just hides it better. Brett is just frozen in one spot in life, moving neither one direction of the other, until Jesse comes along and changes his life. Brett is something, that's for sure. But him and Jesse together is fan-freaking-tastic. It's a torturous up and down ride for Brett and Jesse, but well worth it in the end. I still can't believe this is Aly's first book because it's amazingly well told. The characters just grab hold of you and don't let go from the beginning. They're so multi-layered, these people in this book. I'm really looking forward to maybe a book for Caleb, maybe one for Kara, Jesse's best friend too. That would be amazing. Caleb deserves a happy ending after everything he's been through too.
About the
I’m a 32 year
old wife and stay at home mom to four kids under the age of five, including a
set of twins. My life is crazy, which is probably why I drink entirely too much
wine. Oh who am I kidding, I had a love affair with wine long before the kids
came along. I was born and raised in Savannah Georgia, but we recently
moved to Chicago. Let me tell you, this southern girl was not ready
for the cold weather up here!
I’m an avid
reader, but I haven’t always been that way. A few years ago my sister loaned me
her Nook Color, and it changed my life forever. In the span of about two years,
I read over 500 books. My newfound love of reading led me to start a book blog
with two of my best friends. (Insert shameless plug here:
WhiteZinBookends.com). Through WZ Bookends, I've had the opportunity to meet
some of the most amazing authors, bloggers, and readers out there. Now that I
have taken the leap into writing my own book, they’ve all shown me endless
amounts of encouragement and support.
While driving
home from Walmart one day in late October, a story embedded itself in my head
and would not let go. It spiraled out of control until I finally opened my
laptop and started writing. This journey has been a wild ride filled with
tears, hand cramps, and tons of laughs. I love company, so follow me at one of
the social links below and join me aboard this crazy train!
Connect with
Website: http://www.alymartinez.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WZBookends
Email: AuthorAlyMartinez@gmail.com
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