Walk on the Wild
Heather and Tony
Book 2
C.J. Ellisson
Contemporary Erotic Romance
Red Hot Publishing
of Publication: Feb 2014
thinks she has it all—an interesting lover, a dream job, and a new wardrobe to
match her take-charge attitude. But everyone has a past, and when Heather
confronts hers at work she’ll be hard-pressed to hold onto her newfound
confidence and resolve. Does she trust Tony enough to let him help her or will
she tackle the issue on her own?
intrigued by the young woman and the multiple layers she presents to the world,
Tony begins to change his life, too—for what he hopes is the better. He quit
his high-powered career to find peace in a less stressful day-to-day existence.
Desire for Heather still invades his every waking moment, and when trouble
threatens their sexual explorations he makes the hardest choice of his
life. One he may soon regret.
My Review: 4 1/2 stars
This is the follow-up to tony and Heather's first book, Vanilla On Top. This was almost as good as the first. I loved that Tony and Heather still had their dedication to each other, even if they hadn't said those three little words to each other yet. They each have their issues with exes, and deal with them together. They find out more about each other, and their families. Tony is so freaking adorable with Heather, there's no doubt that he loves her. Heather standing by Tony's side when he needs her most, that really says what words can't. Actions are louder than words, and their actions are telling each other a whole lot. Loved this!
Mr. Right
Walk and the Wild
Best Friends
Book 1
C.J. Ellisson
Contemporary Erotic Romance
Red Hot Publishing
of Publication: June 2013
Artist: Kim Killion
order to take control, you often have to let it go…
Johnson thinks issuing orders to a lover will keep her heart safe and leave her
in charge of her own destiny. Afraid for Carla’s future, her best friend
Heather implores her to change her self-centered ways, handing her a list of
love life mistakes to steer clear of:
Casual Sex
Friends with Benefits
Avoidance of Intimacy
ignores the list—unwilling to face she might have a commitment problem. Until
she invites a co-worker to her place one night. She instantly regrets the
hum-drum sexual encounter and discourages the accountant from pursuing her.
Shea refuses to become another lover the feisty blonde dumps. It'll take a
patient man with a strong hand to unlock Carla's sexual awareness and win her
heart. He’s up for the challenge to convince her he’s the one—and eager to
prove this number cruncher won’t make a boring bedmate.
“We still haven’t talked
about our night together. How long do you intend to put me off?”
Forever? Damn, I was afraid
this would happen. Holding in the heavy sigh longing to escape, I face my pushy
co-worker. “No offense, but I’m not interested in dating an accountant.”
“Excuse me?” His tone comes
out sharper than I’ve ever heard from him. “Do you think I’m not worthy of you
because of my job?”
“Umm… no. Sorry.” That’s
exactly it, but saying so is bitchier than I’d like. I switch to the next file
and give him my back. “Listen, it was a fun night and all, but I want more
excitement. Something spicy.”
His footsteps behind me are
barely audible over the hum of the copier. Hands rest on my hips and I tense.
“You have no idea what you want. You could have excitement right in front of
you and you wouldn’t know what to do about it.”
Annoyed, I whip around to
face him, dislodging his hands. “Really? And you think I don’t remember the
tolerable three minutes we shared?”
His deep blue eyes darken
in anger and he leans closer, crowding my space. “I think you recall someone
named Johnny and seem to be attributing some of our time together to a dream
about him.”
A blush creeps up my
cheeks, I do remember having dreamed about an old college flame, but how the
hell does he know that? “Umm… I…”
“You called out his name,”
his warm breath tickles my lips, “while I pleasured you.”
Startled by the revelation,
I dart to the side and make for the door. “I don’t know what you’re talking
His voice whispers when the
copier cycles down, “You’re sexy when you let down your guard.”
I turn to face him. He
takes two quick strides and captures my mouth. His lips press against mine and
a coil of heat unravels in my middle. A warm hand caresses the back of my head,
gently drawing me closer.
I open my mouth to protest
and his tongue slips inside to spar with my own. The rush of blood pounding
through my veins brings a tingly feeling that halts my words before they form.
His wide open eyes stare into my own, challenging me with the heat I see
simmering in their depths.
His mouth tastes like fresh
coffee heavily laced with cream. My knees weaken at the intensity and warmth
pouring off him. He nibbles on my bottom lip and a spike of pleasure jolts down
my spine, jarring me from the spell he’s weaving.
I place two hands on his
chest and push him away. Our lips break and a shudder runs through me. “What
the hell was that?” My tone sounds indignant, but my body betrays me with
Andy smiles, a slow,
indulgent curve of his lips. His tongue slips out to run along his full mouth.
“I think you know exactly what that was.” He boldly reaches out a hand and runs
a finger over my right nipple, peaked hard and pressing against the inside of
my bra.
I swat his hand away.
“It’s passion, Carla. Don’t
fight it.”
My Review: 4 1/2 stars
I loved the way that Andy took control of what he wanted with Carla. Despite her thinking that she knew what she wanted, Carla really didn't. I shudder thinking about Andy and Carla's first night together, she was extremely demanding, that's enought to knock a guy off balance. Andy was totally up for the challenge though. He showed Carla what passion really was, and he took control away from her, not because he wanted to dominate, but because she needed to let go. This was a great book, and I loved seeing Carla find someone who was worthy of her in every aspect. Andy made Carla re-think a lot of things, and he also let her have control of him, which surprised her. They ended up being a fabulous couple together. Another book well written by C.J.
Ms. Wrong
Walk on the Wild
Best Friends
Book 2
C.J. Ellisson
C.J. Ellisson
Contemporary Erotic Romance
Red Hot Publishing
of Publication: May 2014
Artist: Kim Killion
attends a birthday party for her friend Carla. Little does the health food
storeowner know that the fateful girls night out will change her life forever.
the polished metrosexual who hates to get his hands dirty, stumbles upon the
ladies at a local bar. Sparks fly when the two meet, courtesy of a 12-sided sex
dice and a night neither one will ever forget.
By ten-thirty
we’re all a little buzzed and laughing so hard a few of us are wiping tears
away. Julie brought a game called “Who’s the Biggest Pervert?” And I’m not sure
if I should be appalled or proud that I’m the biggest pervert in the group so
far. Heather and Carla toasted me twice, forcing all of us to drink even more
of the brandy infused wine laced with fruit. It goes great with the chocolate
cupcakes Heather made, so none of us complained. Then again, doesn’t everything
go with chocolate?
I’m feeling no pain when
Carla informs us it’s time to take the party on the road. Festooned with tacky
pink sashes that say Girls Night Out, wearing pink Mardi-gras beads and the
candy penis necklaces, and each carrying our glow in the dark straws in our
purse, we’re ready to paint the town. I’m glad there’s no mirror near the
elevators or I’d probably have second thoughts about being seen in public
wearing this stuff.
“Oh, wait!” Julie shouts.
“I have something fun for everyone to take home.” She wiggles her eyebrows
suggestively. “Might stir up a little ‘magic.’ You never know.” She reaches
into her purse while we enter the elevator and pulls out a handful of tiny
plastic baggies. “Here,” she says while distributing one to each of us.
Heather opens hers first.
“Are these dice? The shape is odd. What are these little pictures?” She gasps
in understanding.
I look to mine and start
laughing. “No way. Did you get us dirty gamer dice? These have pictures of
people having sex in different positions on each side.”
Carla squeals in delight.
“So cool! I can’t wait to try this later with Andy.”
Conversation and comments
swirl over each other as everyone checks out their die.
“Hey,” Bekki says as we
leave the elevator. “I got a bum one. There’s two spots on here with the guy
getting head. Talk about unfair.”
“Lemme see,” says Gemma
while she frantically searches her die, too. “Dammit. Mine is the same way.”
We spill into the night,
giggling like a pack of randy college girls. Julie’s laughing so hard it takes
her a second to respond. “Sorry, guys. Should have mentioned I think these
things were designed by men. All of them have the two blow job sides.”
A man in his thirties
wandering by us on the sidewalk looks up at her words, checks out the lot of us
from head to toe, and smiles bright. We all laugh again.
“Seems unfair,” Heather
says between gasps of laughter. “Maybe we should put white-out on one of them
and insert a question mark… like lover’s choice?”
My Review: 4 1/2 stars
This was a quick read about Katrina and Marcus. I was wondering if Marcus would get his own story. This was short, but boy did it pack a lot into it. After a night out, Katrina and Marcus both end up at Katrina's shop stuck for the evening. With not much else to do after Marcus helps Katrina clean up the damage to her shop, they spend the evening talking over hot chocolate and candle light. Their conversation turns very frank when Katrina keeps dropping snippets that intrigue Marcus. They get to know each other, and things heat up. Katrina is afraid of letting Marcus down, because of things that have happened in the past. Marcus is more than up for the challenge of helping Katrina re-dicover what she's been missing. Fantastic, but short read from C.J.
the Author:

Unlike most full-time authors, she's also battling severe chronic illness. C.J. works daily to put her Lupus into remission and continues to fight numerous bacterial infections while her immune system slowly attacks her body. She turned to writing when she could no longer work outside the home and claims the escape of penning contemporary fantasy, erotica, and erotic romance has helped save her sanity.
Amazon Author Page:
handle: @CJEllisson
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