Title:Dominic (Slater Brothers, #1)
Author: L.A. Casey
Genre: New Adult, Romance, Contemporary
Series:Slater Brothers
Publication Date: March 17th, 2014
Genre: New Adult, Romance, Contemporary
Series:Slater Brothers
Publication Date: March 17th, 2014
After a car accident killed her parents when she was a child, Bronagh Murphy chose to box herself off from people in an effort to keep herself from future hurt. If she doesn't befriend people, talk to them or acknowledge them in any way they leave her alone just like she wants.
When Dominic Slater enters her life, ignoring him is all she has to do to get his attention. Dominic is used to attention, and when he and his brothers move to Dublin, Ireland for family business, he gets nothing but attention. Attention from everyone except the beautiful brunette with a sharp tongue. .
Dominic wants Bronagh and the only way he can get to her, is by dragging her from the boxed off corner she has herself trapped in the only way he knows how...by force. Dominic wants her, and what Dominic wants, Dominic gets.
My walk to Citywest Shopping Centre was a quick one and before I
knew it, I was in Dunnes Stores walking around pushing a trolley. I took out
the list Branna made and began picking up the items she wrote down. I added
some cookies and other treats into the trolley because it was that time of the
month and I needed them.
I was bending down to get the triple chocolate cookies - best
cookies ever - on the bottom shelf. I had to go down on my knees, because there
were only two packets left and they were at the very back. I got them, though,
and when I stood up and turned to toss them in my trolley I froze mid-step.
"What the fuck are you doin'
here?" I growled.
Dominic Slater’s smirking face morphed into a smiling one.
"What do you think I'm doing in a grocery store? Taking a shower?"
I pulled a face at him. "It's a supermarket, you bloody
eejit," I said coolly before moving toward my trolley.
Dominic stepped in front of me, blocking my way.
I blew out a big breath. "Move. Now!"
"Why weren't you in school today?" he asked, ignoring my
He noticed I
wasn't in today?
Probably because he had no one else to bully since I wasn't there.
"I'm sick," I said and tried to get around him once
He blocked my way again
by stepping to the same side as me at the same time.
"You don't look
sick," he commented.
I glared at him.
"Shows how much you know, doesn't it?" I growled.
I hunched forward a little when pressure erupted across my lower
abdomen and caused me immense pain.
"Dominic, move out
of me way!"
"Are you going to puke?" he asked as he still stood in
my way.
"Yeah, I'm goin' to puke, and I'm aimin' for you so
move!" I warned.
Dominic snorted. "Nah, you don't look like you will be sick,
you're obviously having stomach pain
"Thank you for that observation doctor Fuckface, now fuckin'
move!" I spat.
Dominic laughed at me then glanced to my hands. "I'll happily
move...when you give me those cookies."
I held the cookies to my chest as I would with a newly born
"No fuckin' way, I got them first!"
Dominic rolled his eyes. "They are mostly likely the last
triple chocolate cookies in the entire
store since you had to get them from the very back of the shelf. If you want me
to move, then you will give them to me."
"They were the last
two packets in the shop, but I'm not givin' you either of them, and if you
don't move I'll scream rape and have you arrested!" I warned.
He tipped his head back and laughed, so I took the opportunity and
manoeuvred around him. I used one hand to hold the cookies to my chest and the
other to grab my trolley.
"Oh, no you don't!"
When I felt hands come around my stomach from behind, I almost
He was touching me!
Dominic Slater had his hands on my stomach and had his body
pressed into my back.
Oh, my Jesus.
Did this
motherfucker have a death wish?
"I'll give you three seconds to get your hands and body away
from me, otherwise I will knock you
the fuck out!"
Dominic's chuckle in my ear made my body tense up even more than
it already was.
"You think you can take me, pretty girl?"
Pretty girl?
Was he
trying to be funny or something?
"I do!" I snapped then said, "Don't call me that
"I can call you what I like and say what I like to you,
freedom of speech and all that."
"You're so fuckin' stupid and a knobhead…get off me!" I
snapped then gasped when one of his arms came up and made a blatant grab for my
No. Fucking. Way!
I lifted my leg and kicked back against Dominic's shin; he grunted
as he jumped back away from me. I whirled around and glared at him while he
shook out his leg probably trying to shake the pain away.
"You fucking bitch!" he hissed.
I smiled to him. "That will be your balls if you ever touch
me again. Have you not learned your lesson that touchin' me results in me
hittin' you?"
He rolled his eyes and rubbed his cheek as if still feeling the
pain of the slap I delivered to him on Wednesday for touching my arse.
He dropped his hands and grinned at me. "You have a fat ass,
I couldn't help myself from having a feel."
I gaped at him.
He just called me fat.
He actually just called me fat.
I don't care if I looked the size of a whale; you just don't call
a girl fat, especially to her fucking
The insult hurt me, and I hated that. I wanted to hurt Dominic
back so I threw the insult back at him even though there was nothing but
trimmed muscle on him.
"You are fat!"
I snapped then turned and grabbed my trolley with one hand and began to push it
Fuckface stopped me though.
He wedged himself between me and my trolley. I didn't like it, not
one bit.
"I didn't call you fat."
The dirty liar!
I growled at him. "You did too, you lying sack of shite!”
"I said you have a fat ass, there is a difference," he
"No there isn't, you said me arse is fat-"
"Fat as in sexy," he purred.
I stared at him, suppressing the urge to beat him to death with my
"Fat is not
sexy," I stated.
"When you have a fat ass it is," Dominic said, still
standing in front of me. "I don't mean fat as in fat fat, I just meant it as in good type of big, not an obese type
of big. You have a big butt, and that is
Why the fuck
were we having this conversation about my fat but not fat fat arse?
"I don't give a fuck. Me and me fat arse want to move on with
our trolley so get outta the way."
Dominic smirked and held out his hand and said, "Cookies
I gripped the cookies tighter. "You will have to pry them
from me cold, dead fingers, you overly tall bastard."
Dominic smirked and took a step toward me; I panicked and swung my
arm catching him across the face with my hand. He actually stumbled to the side
and out of my way as he gripped his face. I shot forward, grabbed my trolley,
and all but sprinted up the aisle.
"Bronagh!" he shouted.
I turned and headed straight for a check out till, more than ready
to pay for the items and get home. People obviously heard Dominic shouting and
looked to the aisle where I just shot out from. I pretended to be confused as
well; I didn't want anyone thinking I was the Bronagh that Dominic was shouting
I jumped into a queue and began to unload my trolley items onto
the conveyor belt, while mentally shouting at the woman in front of me to hurry
up and pack her things.
"I could have you arrested for assault, you know that right?
That's twice you hit me back
I sighed, knowing he purposely chose to come to this till just to
piss me off.
"It was self-defence, you put your hands on me first without
permission," I spat as I nudged my trolley forward without looking around
at him.
"That's bullshit," Dominic snarled.
I rolled my eyes. "Get over it, you big baby."
I surged forward when the lady in front of me was finished, and
thankfully, the woman serving me had my stuff scanned and helped me bag them in
record time.
"Those cookies are the nicest ones in the entire shop, they
are always sold out." The woman
smiled when she tucked them into a bag.
I looked up to Dominic, who was glaring at me and making me smile
before I looked at the woman.
"I agree, they are
“Evil bitch," Dominic muttered making the woman snap her head
to him, and it caused me to snort a little.
I paid the woman, grabbed the three carrier bags, and heaved them
down. They were heavy, and I hated that Branna wasn't here with her car to help
me bring them home.
I sucked in a large breath and made for the exit of the shop only
to pause at the doors, almost whimpering there and then. It was absolutely
lashing rain outside. I don't know why I was so surprised, it always happened.
It could be mild and cool here in Dublin one minute then belting rain the next.
I sighed and looked up at the sky after a full minute of just
staring out at the rain. "You just can't cut me a break, can you,
"I don't think he replies to people who assault
I jumped at his voice, which he laughed at.
I shook my head without looking at Dominic when he came to stand
next to me. "How the hell did you pack your things and pay for them so
quickly?" I questioned.
"Magic," he replied.
I rolled my eyes. "Well, use some magic and disappear from me
Dominic snorted. "You would love that, wouldn't you?"
I looked at him, narrowed my eyes, and smiled. "I would love nothin' more than for you to disappear
from the face of the earth, twat face."
Dominic looked like he suddenly wanted to murder me so I stepped
away from him.
"No wonder you bought tampons, must be that time of the
month." He shook his head.
He saw my
Oh God!
I felt my face flush. "You shut the hell up!"
He grinned at me. "You're seriously mean on your
Oh, my God!
Get me the Hell out of here.
"Well, this was horrible, I hope we don't run into each other
here - or anywhere - ever again. Bad day to you, sir." I bowed my head and
stepped out into the rain.
I felt a chill run up my spine, so I straightened myself up, ignored
the pain of the plastic bags digging into my fingers, and pushed on walking.
"Do you want a ride?" I heard Dominic's voice shout from
my far left.
I gasped and spun in his direction, noticing that he was moving
toward a large black Jeep.
"You dirty bastard! How dare
you ask me that!" I shouted.
Dominic paused his stride and looked at me with his eyebrows
raised before he laughed.
"Crap, I meant a lift
as in a lift home in my car. I didn't
mean a ride as in the meaning of what a ride is over here...I'm not asking you
to ride me, Bronagh."
I felt myself flush.
"Whatever, I don't need a lift!"
I turned and continue walking out of the car park and onto the pathway.
The rain was coming down so hard that it was dribbling down into
my eyes, making it hard to see. I rubbed my eyes against my shoulder and
pressed on.
I never minded the rain – I was used to it – and actually liked
walking in it when it rained hard. But not when I was carrying heavy things. I
glared at Dominic's Jeep when it passed me by, then screamed when he came close
to the path causing dirty water to splash up all over me.
"You bloody twat!” I screamed as loud as I could.
I had dropped my shopping bags during the soaking, so I quickly
bent down to pick them up. I swear Dominic was lucky everything I bought was in
sealed packaging and wouldn't be destroyed by the water.
"I know you won't believe me but I was actually pulling up
beside you to offer you a ride again. I really didn't mean to get you all
wet." Dominic’s voice shouted out from his car - the passenger side window
was rolled down - then followed with a laugh.
He was actually laughing
at me!
I growled as I looked to my right and glared into the opened
window of Dominic's SUV. I used my shoulder to get the water out of my eyes
again before spitting some out of my mouth.
His eyebrows jumped a little at my shouting, but I didn't care.
Fuck him. I turned and pretty much jogged away and all the way home. I didn't stop
moving until I was safely inside my house. I sank down to my arse with the hall
door pressed to my back.
"Bronagh? Is that you? I got off early and tried ringin' you
to see if you needed-" Branna's voice was cut off mid-sentence before a
muffled laugh quickly filled up the silence. "You look like a soaked
I growled and leaned my head back against the door and closed my
eyes. I winced a little when my stomach began to cramp up, adding further
horribleness to my shitty day.
"I didn't think it was rainin' that hard. You're seriously soaked, Bee, what happened?"
I grunted as I continued to sit on the floor, shopping bags
gathered around me. I could easily tell her that an American prick soaked me
with his car after harassing me inside the supermarket, but I honestly didn't
want to talk about Dominic or even think about the arsehole.
"I don't want to talk about it."
Fuming that I was soaked to the bone and annoyed that I had a
female reproductive system, I leaned my head back against the door and closed my
eyes again before exhaling loudly.
Dominic was pretty much to blame for one of those things, so I decided
to blame everything that was wrong with me on him, as well.
It is official, I now and will forever more hate Dominic Slater.
My Review: 5 stars
I would have to say this book is in my top 3 books for the year thus far. I loved the way that L.A. Casey wrote this book. It's not all hearts and flowers - it's real. It's down and dirty, and in your face. I LOVED every single page. It's just exactly how I would have been in High School. Bronagh was used to living her life in her own little world, just the way she liked things. Until the day that Dominic and Damien entered her world. I loved that Dominic was so alpha when it came to Bronagh. He wanted her, and he damn well was going to get her, even if he had to fight her along the way to do so. And man, did they ever fight. It was beautiful. The love/hate thing they had for each other was fantastic. The way they insulted each other bordered on epic pain and hurt, but the way they slung those insults back and forth was brilliant. Fuckface and Fatarse, love names for those two. They pulled no punches whatsoever.
But Dominic did manage to drag Bronagh out of her world into a bigger one, gotta give him credit for that. When Bronagh finally realizes that she's fighting any feeling for Dominic is a freaking moment. Take a snapshot, cause that right there is where everything hinged. I would have to say that Dominic and Bronagh did nothing halfway. I loved all the Slater brothers, because they were family - there for each other no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT. There are a lot of things that go in in this book that aren't for some people. They didn't bother me at all. The things that did matter, and there were quite a few, were the moments that changed everything. When Bronagh gives the prayer at dinner, when Dominic said, "I live you" - no that is not a spelling error, explained and Bronagh said it back; Lots of others that I can't say anything about, but those two were my favorites.
This is the first of L.A. Casey's books that I've read, and it will not be the last. This book made me run the gamut of emotions, for lots of different reasons, but there were also times I was laughing so hard it was insane. I could relate to the characters and the insult slinging, growing up in my neighborhood, it's just the way we were. You learned to dish it out as well as take it. I want to read all of the Slater Brothers books and find out what she has in store for them. Dominic was a phenomenal beginning. If I could give out 20 stars I would.
L.A. Casey was born, raised and currently resides in Dublin, Ireland. She is a twenty two year old stay at home mother to an almost 2 year old German Shepherd named Storm and of course, her 4 and half year old (the half is apparently vital) beautiful little hellion/angel depending on the hour of the day.
Her first novel, Dominic, will be self-published, on March 17th, 2014.
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