Title: Renegade
Reject (Renegade Sons MC, #2)
Author: Emily Minton and
Dawn Martens
Release Date: May 13th, 2014
Daisy “Little Flower” Anderson has lived her entire
life on the sidelines of the Renegade Sons MC. Her father is a member, and her
mother a club whore turned old lady. Not wanting to follow their footsteps, she
chose a different path; one that keeps her close to the biker family she loves,
but out of the club. Struggling to keep it together, she never thought she
would have anything of her own, until she met Preach. He is everything she
swore she didn't want in life. One night of passion leads to unexpected
consequences, and she knows, now more than ever, it’s time to move forward.
Garrett “Preach” Austin lived his life caught in his father’s iron fist. He
never thought he would want anything more than freedom from his past, until he
met his “Little Flower”. She shows him there is more to life than pain. Preach
has a secret; one that forces him to choose between Daisy and his brothers.
Even though he loves Daisy, the Renegade Sons are the only true family he has.
He knows he can’t have her, yet he can’t let her go.
When Daisy moves on,
Preach realizes what he’s lost. Can he prove that he’s the man for her, or is
he too late?
“Are you okay, girl?”
I look up and see the hottest man I have
ever laid eyes on. His eyes, oh my God, they must be the most beautiful eyes
that I have ever seen; light brown with shots of gold throughout. They remind
me of the Tiger’s Eye necklace my Grams gave me for my sixteenth birthday --
just breathtaking.
He has golden highlights in his coffee
colored hair. It brushes the top of his
shoulders, lying haphazardly around his gorgeous face. For some reason, I have
the urge to reach up and see if it’s as soft as it looks.
He’s tall, at least six foot, and the
top of my head doesn’t even reach his shoulders. Other than his height, he’s not a big
guy. Instead, he is long and lanky,
reminding me of the cowboys in those old black and white western movies that my
Grandpa and Uncle Holt used to watch.
Naturally, I notice that he’s wearing a
cut just like my dad and his brothers.
He’s a Renegade Son.
I know I’m staring at him, but I can’t
stop myself. I swear, just looking at
him takes my breath away and makes my eyes hurt at the same time. He really is the most gorgeous man I’ve ever
seen. It doesn’t take long for him to
notice my reaction, and a slow smile spreads across his face. “What’s your name, girl?”
“Daisy,” I whisper, feeling a blush
spread across my cheeks.
“My name’s Garret Austin, but you can
call me Preach,” he says as he climbs onto his bike.
“Climb on. Let’s get you out of here.”
I nod, too tongue-tied to respond. I slide on behind him and wrap my arms around
his waist. Leaning my chest against his
back, I close my eyes and enjoy the ride.

My Review: 5
This was a very
good book. If you haven't read the first book, Renegade Lady, go read it first.
You really want to. I loved getting to know more about both Daisy and
Preacher's pasts. It let me know why they were the way they were in the first
book. I've got to say that from the first book, I loved Preacher. I knew that
there was something in him that was broken, but didn't know what. Daisy is the
same, except, my heart hurts for her more. Daisy grew up in the MC, she was
supposed to be protected, and she was to a certain extent. The thing that
pisses me off, is that way before the club found out what had been happening to
Daisy - Someone should have seen what was happening and helped her out.
Now we know the
reason why Timber went to prison. Why Preach was such an ass and a drunk.
Preach and Daisy should have been together long before they actually were, but
two certain people kept coming between them, time and again. Don't worry, they
both got what they deserved. I think they both had it coming to them for all
the shit they pulled. I knew from the first book that I didn't like them, but
understand a whole lot more now, and that took the not liking to a whole new
level. Some people may feel sorry for what happened to them because they're
women, but I really don't. They both knew the rules of the MC, and they knew
the punishments as well.
I loved that Timber
and Reece kept saving Daisy. I loved that Kidd kicked the crap out of Preacher
when he found out what he did, of course at the time, Preacher didn't know what
he had done. Once he found out however, that was a whole different story. He
pulled his head out and did what he should have done a long time ago. He went
to great lengths to let Daisy know how sorry he was for everything that had
happened between them, and vowed that he wouldn't let it happen again. Daisy wasn't buying it though. I really had to laugh at how far Preach had to go in
order to keep her, but he did so willingly. He knew he had to prove to her that she really was his everything. I really loved the epilogue, that
was awesome. I am looking forward to Blue and Tabby's story which is coming
next. I'm also really curious about Skittles cryptic comment and want to know a
lot more about that. I am also dying for Reece to finally have a good woman to
love and take care of him. Truth is I love all the guys, and can't wait for all
of them to find whatever it is that makes them happy. Emily & Dawn have
done a fantastic job with this series so far. I was anxious to read this book,
because I knew a little about Preach and Daisy, and was worried about the
outcome. I should have known better. Emily & Dawn have made their
characters so real, broken, fragile, all too human, and that's what keeps me
coming back and wanting more.
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